In MS Office 2003, we had navigation controls (from web toolbar) so that we can navigate backward and forward after clicking on links.
Also we can find the full path of the document (requires to recover files when we open from attachments and forgot to save).
The same feature can be enabled in MS Office 2007 by doing the following steps.
Here I am demonstrating how to do in MS Excel 2007; the same can be done in MS Word, MS PowerPoint etc.
Open MS Excel 2007, and click on the icon as shown in figure below.
Click on Excel Options ( or Word Options)
Click on Customize in the Pop Up Window
Select All Commands in the drop down – Choose commands from:
Select “Document Location” from the list below and then click on Add button as shown in figure.
The same has to be done for “Back” and “Forward”.
Click on Ok button.
You will be having the following highlighted controls.
Hope this will help you in your daily activities. 🙂
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